PREAMBLE AND EVOLUTION OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION 1 .Who is the person fondly known as the Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution? Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. 2 .First attempt in world to constitute a Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution was made by? America. 3 .The first attempt by Indians to write a Constitution to India was done by a Committee headed by Motilal Nehru, which is known as? Nehru Report. 4 .The idea of the Constitution of India was flashed for the first time by? M. N. Roy. 5 .The plan of setting up of a Constituent Assembly to draw up the future Constitution for India was given by? The Cabinet Mission Plan. 6 .The members of the Constituent Assembly were? Elected by Provincial Assemblies. 7 .Which of the following word was added into the Preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976? Socialist. 8 .From which Constitution was a concept of a 5- year plan borrowed into our Constitution? US...