UPSC PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS 1 1. (The figures are only approximate) From the above table it follows that the maximum addition of population took place during the period? a) 1941-51 b) 1951-61 c) 1961-71 d) 1956-66 2. The most important event to occur for the first time in the recent history of Europe is? a) The appointment of a nonItalian as the Pope b) Pope’s mission for the cause of world peace c) Election of Pope by cardinals d) None of these 3. Which of the following States in India has no Legislative Council? a) Tamil Nadu b) Bihar c) West Bengal d) Maharashtra 4. The most controversial provision in the 42nd Constitution Amendment is? a) Supremacy of Parliament b) Enumeration of ten Fundamental Duties c) Term of Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies d) Primacy to the Directive Principles over the Fundamental Rights 5. Buyers‟ market denotes the place where? a) The demand exceeds the supply b) The supply exceeds the d...